ADR-25: Explorer repositories decoupling

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We are planning to support desktop clients along with the web implementation, and currently our codebase is tightly coupled to the browsers.

When aiming for different platforms we face new development streamlines and independent release lifecycles. Also, code duplication should be minimized.

With those constraints in mind, this document proposes the initial steps towards a project reorganization that fulfills those needs.



To truly enable cross platform development, all the platform-specific code should be separated from the generic business logic. Currently, the Kernel and Unity codebases are tightly coupled to the fact we are targeting browsers. Initial efforts were made with the Website component, but currently this component build system and internal logic is tightly coupled to Kernel.

Also, our current web3 ethereum provider isn’t properly decoupled from the project. When targeting desktop platforms, we have the need to use a specialized ethereum provider.

If we have Kernel and Unity as platform agnostic components, the concept of platform-specific shells is enabled. Each shell will have the responsibility of instancing and adding the glue for each component for the target platform.

By going for this approach, supporting new platforms will be just a matter of building new shell repositories that instance specific components. As these shells will have their own CI/CD pipelines, we can have independent versioning and lines of work for maintaining each project.

Architecture Overview

The Explorer repository will end up divided in different repositories:

Renderer Repository

Contains the current Explorer’s Unity project.

The CI/CD of this repository will output the decentraland-renderer npm package publication to be consumed by the web shell repo (more on this later)

Also, this repository will have its own package.json file. Effectively converting it to a UPM Package that will be consumed by the desktop shell repo (more on this later)

Kernel Repository

The Kernel repo contains all the typescript code that manages the lifecycle of the worker scenes, comms, SDK glue, etc.

An important detail is that the Unity Interface will only be contained in abstract form. As different implementations of the Unity Interface will be needed for web and desktop.

The CI/CD of this repository will output a npm package to be consumed by the platform specific shells (more on this later).


Web Shell Repository (f.k.a. Website)

All the code bound to a web browser is contained exclusively inside this shell, not kernel anymore.

The CI/CD of this repository is going to output internal and production releases for and respectively.


Desktop Shell Repository

Contains all the components to run a desktop version of Decentraland.

The CI/CD of this repository is going to be bound to internal and production releases that will be served from a link in the download section of our landing pages (TBD).


Staged plan


This approach decouples the kernel repository from any business logic tied to the web browsers, moving that part directly to the web shell repository. It not only enables better testing tools (NodeJS) but also makes the code more portable, following the objective of reusing parts of the kernel in the desktop distribution.

Unity build now has an independent release cycle making the CI and iteration cycle faster. It also enables us to scale the project using modules that can be reused by many implementations of Decentraland.

Having all the repositories separated will enable faster onboardings to specific areas of the project. Helping not only our new team members but also the open source community. Making local testing an easier task with less dependencies, both for Unity teams and for Kernel teams (goodbye make watch).

Inevitably, some testing helpers would need to be set in place to enable the success of this plan, for instance: a testing entry point in kernel that mocks the website and enables unity devs to execute kernel from the editor and vice versa.

All the repositories would manage their own versioning using semantic versioning to control compatibility.

Protocol changes would require now two PR in different repositories (i.e. kernel and renderer). That is a known issue that was not ignored during the planning of this process. Even though changes in the protocol are less and less common over time, it would require an extra work of coordination and verification.


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