A way to moderate the content of the Decentraland collections is needed to prevent spam, abuse, clone and copyright. The Decentraland's collections will be created in a L2, where the expected cost of creating a collection is (almost) 0 USD.
This document presents alternatives on how Decentraland collection moderation will work.
This document use as base a committee/board explained here: https://forum.decentraland.org/t/proposal-wearables-committee-of-curators/320
The management of L2's collections could be handle by the DAO or by a special on-chain entity.
Entity = DAO
participant User_1
participant User_2
participant User_3
participant L1_DAO
participant L1_Bridge
participant L2_Bridge
participant L2_Collection_1
User_1->>L1_DAO: Create vote to approve/reject Collection_1: Vote_1
User_2->>L1_DAO: Vote "Yes" on Vote_1
User_3->>L1_DAO: Vote "Yes" on Vote_1
L1_DAO-->>L1_DAO: Vote_1 passed
User_1->>L1_DAO: Enact Vote_1 lock
L1_DAO->>L1_Bridge: Approve/Reject Collection_1
L1_Bridge->>L2_Bridge: Approve/Reject Collection_1
L2_Bridge->>L2_Collection_1: Approve/Reject
Entity = Committee smart contract which will check if the sender of the transaction has balance of an specific token controlled by the Dencetraland's DAO as the SAB token
participant User_1
participant User_2
participant User_3
participant L1_DAO
participant L1_Committee
User_1->>L1_DAO: Create vote to add/remove someone from the committee: Vote_1
User_2->>L1_DAO: Vote "Yes" on Vote_1
User_3->>L1_DAO: Vote "Yes" on Vote_1
L1_DAO-->>L1_DAO: Vote_1 passed
User_1->>L1_DAO: Enact Vote_1 lock
L1_DAO->>L1_Committee: Add/Remove someone from the committee
participant Committee_User
participant L1_Committee
participant L1_Bridge
participant L2_Bridge
participant L2_Collection_1
Committee_User->>L1_Committee: Approve/Reject Collection_1
L1_Committee->>L1_Bridge: Approve/Reject Collection_1
L1_Bridge->>L2_Bridge: Approve/Reject Collection_1
L2_Bridge->>L2_Collection_1: Approve/Reject
The management of L2's collections will be done by an Entity in L2. The Entity will be managed by the Decentraland's DAO.
Entity = Committee smart contract which will check if the sender of the transaction is part of the committee chosen on L1. If so, it will forward the message to the collections
A member of the community creates a vote to add/remove someone from the committe/board on the Decentraland DAO.
At vote enactment, a message will be forwarded from L1 to L2 by a bridge ending up with the member added/removed from the Entity in L2.
participant User_1
participant User_2
participant User_3
participant L1_DAO
participant L1_Bridge
participant L2_Bridge
participant L2_Committee
User_1->>L1_DAO: Create vote to add/remove someone from the committee: Vote_1
User_2->>L1_DAO: Vote "Yes" on Vote_1
User_3->>L1_DAO: Vote "Yes" on Vote_1
L1_DAO-->>L1_DAO: Vote_1 passed
User_1->>L1_DAO: Enact Vote_1 lock
L1_DAO->>L1_Bridge: Add/Remove someone from the committee
L1_Bridge->>L2_Bridge: Add/Remove someone from the committee
L2_Bridge->>L2_Committee: Add/Remove someone
A member of the committee sends a transaction to the Committee smart contract to approve/reject a collection in L2.
The transaction creates a message that will be forwarded to the collection, ending up with the collection approved/rejected.
participant Committee_User
participant L2_Committee
participant L2_Collection_1
Committee_User->>L2_Committee: Approve/Reject Collection_1
L2_Committee->>L2_Collection_1: Approve/Reject
The management of L2's collections will be done by creator in L2. Protocol parameters will be handled by the DAO in L1
participant Creator_1
participant Creator_2
participant Creator_3
participant Creator_4
participant Creator_5
participant L2_Collection_Curator
Creator_5->>L2_Collection_Curator: Stake X MANA to publish collection_1
L2_Collection_Curator ->> L2_Collection_1: Create collection
Creator_1->>L2_Collection_Curator: Stake Z MANA to challenge collection_1
Creator_2->>L2_Collection_Curator: Vote "Yes" on the collection_1 challenge: weight 1
Creator_3->>L2_Collection_Curator: Vote "Yes" on the collection_1 challenge: weigh 1
Creator_4->>L2_Collection_Curator: Vote "No" on the collection_1 challenge: weight 1
Creator_5->>L2_Collection_Curator: Vote "No" on the collection_1 challenge: weight 0.1
Creator_1-->>L2_Collection_Curator: Resolve challenge
Note right of L2_Collection_Curator: Challenge resolved: Passed (YES: 2 / No: 1.1)
L2_Collection_Curator->>L2_Collection_1: Act based on challenge outcome
There are two kinds of challenge: PAUSE, and CLAIM a collection.
The PAUSE challenge should use a small % of the staked MANA.
The CLAIM challenge should use 100% of the staked MANA.
in the Colllection Curator
smart contract.
0.1 * X MANA
(10% of original stake).
0.1 * X MANA
from the reserve are distributed among the successful challengers.
0.1 * X MANA
is returned to the challenger.0.1 * X MANA
to the stake in order to publish it again.
to fix the collection.
0.9 * X MANA
(balance of the paused collection) from the reserve are
distributed among the successful challengers.
is staked for the new creatorDEPRECATED
in the Colllection Curator
smart contract.
from the reserve are distributed among the successful challengers.
is returned to the challenger.Every yes/no vote cost ~ 3 dollars
DAO votes could take too long
As votes can take more than 1 week to pass through all the stages, and collections will be created dinamically and faster by users in L2.
The rejection of a collection will take longer than the grace period, leaving collections approved where they should not.
Committee decision won't need a vote.
Every approval/rejection will cost (almost) 0 dollars.
Based on risk reduction (L2 is new for Decentraland) and resources cointraints we will go with the Alternative X and later, with the Alternative 3. The implementation of the alternative chosen should allow and easy way to iterate.
We decided the alternative 2 is the best approach to set the place where the governance of the collections will happen, in L2.
This decision may be revisited once we define the economics and anti-spam mechanisms that would compromise the stability and operations of the committee.
Can we pre-approve submissions before the creator start working on the collection? like a pre-approved project
Should we need to care about the rarity?
Define guidelines
Send money to the fundation
In alternative 2, can any user propose a collection?:
Yes, there is no limit. It can be abused.